And, if you are thinking of taking advantage of your outdoor oasis and start growing your own vegetables this season, continue reading and find out all about our 5 healthy, delicious, and low-maintenance spring fruits you can begin raising even if you are a new gardener.
Whether you like them fried with garlic sauce on top or you prefer a healthier option and boil them, potatoes are a hearty plant you should consider adding to your garden. And, since they are able to survive frost, you can plant them right at the beginning of spring without any fear. However, you must make sure the dirt is slightly acidic and not tightly compacted since this type of soil might bring you very malformed products. So, loose soil is your best option! When you are ready for planting, cut a potato in chunks, planting them 4 inches deep, eye side up. Make sure you keep them well covered with extra soil since sunlight makes them green and bitter.
There is no better time for growing lettuce than spring, with its cool, wet weather. There are plenty of lettuce varieties to choose from, but if you want the most cold-tolerant ones, we advise you to go for butterhead and romaine. And, if you are looking forward to two or three succession planting, make sure you plant a new crop every two or three weeks. In case of unpredictable frost, you can easily protect your lettuce if you cover the garden. Whether you use insulation blankets, sheets, or towels, they will take care of your lettuce unless the frost lasts many days, which can be fatal to your crop.
Another fantastic veggie to plant in early spring is the tasty beet, perfect for adding to those healthy, colorful summer salads. This delicious spring plant does well when the soil is cold but not frozen, so planting them right after the last frost is such a great idea. Keep in mind that beets don’t need too much space, so you can enjoy them even if your garden is tiny. Also, when planting, use a garden tiller to check if the soil is loose enough and there are no rocks around. Water them often, making sure the soil is consistently moist, especially when the seedling appears.
Oh, cucumber is such a healthy veggie to use in your fresh salads all summer long! And they are great for spring planting, so get ready to start growing them two weeks after the first frost. Keep in mind that they need fertile soil and lots of sunlight. So, if you want your cucumber to flourish, we suggest you find a sunny spot for planting and never stop pampering them with fertilizer and water. Also, make sure you plant the seed in rows, which should be about six feet apart.
Though, depending on where you live, next month might be a bit late for planting carrots, these flavorsome, full of vitamins veggies must be on this list. Keep in mind that the best time to plant carrots is a few weeks before the last frost. However, you might still be successful if you plant them as soon as possible. Make sure you spoil them with a loose, free of rock soil, without using manure, as this will make them grow extra legs.
These are our favorite veggies to plant in spring and, if you want to enhance your garden and satisfy your family’s cravings, check out our favorite fruits to grow this season. No matter which you choose, your garden will look beautiful and colorful while being filled with healthy delicacies. Just don’t forget to water them properly!